High Speed
Data Distribution
First, some facts…
• In early 2017, it took 70 days and a whole lot of engineering work for Evernote to migrate 3PB data from its datacenters to Google Compute Platform (GCP).
• In July 2017, GCP announced its Transfer Appliance, which takes 43 days to transfer 1PB data.
• In August 2017, the online marketing company Marketo announced its intention to move around 10 PB data from its data centers to GCP – An effort that is estimated to last from 2018 to 2019!
Ubertal’s High Speed Data Distribution: 1PB data transferred over 5000 miles, with encryption and checksumming, in just 29 hours. HSDD is the world’s only data transfer software whose performance is unaffected by distance, encryption, and checksumming.
High Speed Data Distribution
Ubertal’s High Speed Data Distribution solution delivers a GA-grade, scale-out, petascale-proven, all-in-one hyperscale data distribution capable of multi-100+Gbps. It is a 100% software based solution without any special requirements on hardware.
Unlike all other commercial data transfer software, all of which belong to the legacy (decades old) Managed File Transfer (MFT) category, our solution has a ground breaking design and establishes the brand new “hyperscale data distribution” category for modern digital businesses.
Our software has been deployed by clients in the biopharmaceutical, energy and education industries. Many use cases involve the moving of multiple petabytes of data over distance.
Why Ubertal’s High Speed Data Distribution?

Do you feel that moving your data is like moving a mountain using a shovel?
Try the world’s FASTEST data distribution software. No more shipping hard disks around, no more waiting. With our High Speed Data Distribution solution, you can transfer data at 1000x faster than FTP.
Case Study
Hear what our clients
are saying about us
“We really appreciate Ubertal’s contribution in helping us curate innovation for several years in a row. The innovations that you brought to us have made a significant impact to our business”
“With your software’s multi-metrics correlation analysis we were finally able to determine that the response slow-down was caused by an abnormal memory surge in a certain time slot. Without your software we probably would have spent days if not weeks trying to figure out the root cause.”
Any company that has high performance computing requirements stands to benefit from the equipment used in the recent 1-petabyte transfer test. Whether working with a content delivery network, big data, data centers, cloud service providers, or as a backup solution provider, you need a new solution for faster data throughput in order to remain competitive
“In a short period of time, Ubertal’s data science accelerator was able to help us optimize chatbot training model and increase chatbot response accuracy for our online customer services.”
“Ubertal’s AI DevOps platform contributed to the successful launch and continuous operations of our mission critical IoT project”.
“We really appreciate Ubertal’s contribution in helping us curate innovation for several years in a row. The innovations that you brought to us have made a significant impact to our business”
“With your software’s multi-metrics correlation analysis we were finally able to determine that the response slow-down was caused by an abnormal memory surge in a certain time slot. Without your software we probably would have spent days if not weeks trying to figure out the root cause.”
Any company that has high performance computing requirements stands to benefit from the equipment used in the recent 1-petabyte transfer test. Whether working with a content delivery network, big data, data centers, cloud service providers, or as a backup solution provider, you need a new solution for faster data throughput in order to remain competitive
“In a short period of time, Ubertal’s data science accelerator was able to help us optimize chatbot training model and increase chatbot response accuracy for our online customer services.”