Blockchain Plug and Play
Ubertal’s uStamp system is an open blockchain system that reliably keeps and tracks digital assets at low cost. It produces a unique digital mark for each digital asset (document, picture, digital currency, among others) that can be verified with the combination of Bitcoin’s blockchain and uStamp blockchain for the following attributes:
• Proof of the time when a document is registered to the uStamp chain
• Proof of the contents of the document
• Absolute time stamp – For every one minute, uStamp will generate a universally unique digital signature + QR code for the corresponding time point so that the time signature is not predictable until the time is present.
• The digital mark generated by the uStamp system cannot be altered once it is created and it can be mathematically verified by any 3rd party with Bitcoin’s blockchain and the uStamp chain based on the uStamp published algorithm.
• uStamp works across public cloud platforms and public blockchain systems.
• uStamp is now running on multiple cloud platforms, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Ali Yun, and it can be deployed on any private cloud system while seamlessly integrating with uStamp public chain system.
• Today, the uStamp chain is integrated with Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The uStamp system is very scalable and cost efficient and can stamp very large volume (billions per second) of digital assets with Bitcoin’s blockchain backed digital mark. uStamp also provides public API and SDK for 3rd party integration.
Some of the advanced features of uStamp
One of the main challenges in auditing is how to verify data integrity. With Ubertal’s uStamp solution, the raw data (eg. smart meter records, financial records, contracts, etc.) can be registered with uStamp as it’s being collected. The digital mark that is associated with these records can be easily verified for the integrity of those records. The same approach can be applied to prove the other digital records. There are many applications that can be implemented on top of this, especially in the IoT space.
uStamp is completely secure and maintains privacy of data. When the digital documents are being registered with uStamp, it only requires the one way hashed values of the documents. The information kept in uStamp are also hash values, therefore the actual contents of the original digital documents do not need to be revealed for proof of time and content.applied to prove the other digital records. There are many applications that can be implemented on top of this, especially in the IoT space.
Read only database system
Based on uStamp technology, Ubertal provides both online and on-premise non-SQL database system, which allows the user to save data as a read-only repository. As long as the data is saved in the database, the content will not be able to be altered. If any data itself or sequence is altered this will be detected.This is alright Ubertal good let it be applied to prove the other digital records. There are many applications that can be implemented on top of this, especially in the IoT space.
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are saying about us
“Ubertal’s AI DevOps platform contributed to the successful launch and continuous operations of our mission critical IoT project”.
“With your software’s multi-metrics correlation analysis we were finally able to determine that the response slow-down was caused by an abnormal memory surge in a certain time slot. Without your software we probably would have spent days if not weeks trying to figure out the root cause.”
“We really appreciate Ubertal’s contribution in helping us curate innovation for several years in a row. The innovations that you brought to us have made a significant impact to our business”
“In a short period of time, Ubertal’s data science accelerator was able to help us optimize chatbot training model and increase chatbot response accuracy for our online customer services.”
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